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永續能源跨域課程模組發展計畫 簡介


Our Team​教學團隊 -->


  • The demand for sustainable energy is increasing worldwide, and the development of sustainable energy requires involvement across various fields such as theory, engineering, economics, and management.

  • Targeting primarily the science and engineering departments of national universities, starting from the core of "Energy Economics and Technology Management," we aim to develop educational materials addressing interdisciplinary issues in theory, engineering, economics, and management of energy.

  • Aim to cultivate T-shaped talents in science and engineering colleges, enabling students to understand not only technical aspects but also issues such as management, policies, economic benefits, and citizen participation. This initiative aims to establish students' interdisciplinary sustainable thinking frameworks.

Course Map


Course Module 課程模組-->

Sustainable Energy Interdisciplinary Course Module Development (Project of the Ministry of Education)

©2023 Sustainable Energy Interdisciplinary Course Module Development 

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